I remember when this expectant mommy first contacted me regarding a maternity session. She explained how she was pregnant for the third and last time and how after two amazing little boys, she was expecting a baby girl. Her excitement was so palpable…the anticipation of one more little one to love….and this little one would bring hair bows, princesses, twirling dresses and ballet classes. With three girls of my own, I know that excitement well. It was clear during our conversation that my typical “mini maternity” session combined with a full newborn session just wasn’t going to do. We needed a full session to capture all this excitement, and full it was. It was full of summer tanned and towheaded little boys, candy treats, giggles and snuggles, sunshine yellow, and finger paints. But mostly, it was full of love.
When I was working on a wall display for this family after the session, I asked if they would like any text added to their collage. They chose “You are my Sunshine.” Very fitting, I think, and I can’t wait to introduce you to the little sunshine that was being anticipated in this maternity session…another post, another time.
by admin
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